Confidence ellipse

by Mark0, (38 days ago)


I've got a few questions about the confidence ellipses I get in JAG3D. When adjusting 2D network I get a (major semi axis) and c (minor semi axis) with gamma as a rotation angle of the confidence ellipse.
But once I take the same project (and add a height data) and do 3D network adjustment I get the same results when it comes to the coordinates, but I also get b (middle semi axis) and two more rotation angles that I didn't have in 2D network. Now when I look at the numbers I see that b and c are very close in values that I had as a and c before. What is the meaning of major semi axis in this case then?
And none of the rotation angles are close or similar to one I had before in 2D network adjustment. So how would I draw one for example in CAD software when having 3 rotation angles? What do they represent?


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