Sketch geodetic network
Hello, I have one question, is it possible to export a geodetic grid sketch to * dxf or * dwg format? Thank you very much
Hello, I have one question, is it possible to export a geodetic grid sketch to * dxf or * dwg format? Thank you very much
by Micha , Bad Vilbel, (1897 days ago) @ Miha
is it possible to export a geodetic grid sketch to * dxf or * dwg format?
Up to now, JAG3D does not support this file format.
-- - OpenSource Least-Squares Adjustment Software for Geodetic Sciences
by Miha , (1897 days ago) @ Micha
Hello, If Jag 3d had this option, the program would be more popular. Most often, we have to submit the digital version to the customer in their base in CAD environment. Are you thinking in this direction to enable said export format.
Thank you for your reply and best regards
by Micha , Bad Vilbel, (1897 days ago) @ Miha
Hello Miha,
Most often, we have to submit the digital version to the customer in their base in CAD environment.
JAG3D supports an export of all points and observations. You can define each export format by yourself, using the FreeMarker language. So, I believe it is easy to import such a files to your CAD.
Are you thinking in this direction to enable said export format.
Yes, but up to now, I don't have an up-to-date and stable library for DXF support that supports all objects (e.g. point, ellipse, line, etc.). However, JAG3D is an open source application. Just provide an implementation for such a feature.
kind regards
-- - OpenSource Least-Squares Adjustment Software for Geodetic Sciences
by MIHA , (1892 days ago) @ Micha
I apologize for the late reply. I hope you manage to upgrade the program. I have no programming skills, it would take me too long to do. For now, I've made myself an alternative in qgis. Thank you very much for your efforts, in case you manage to integrate your export into CAD environment, I would ask you to provide me with this information or I will follow it on the forum. Thank you again for your response and help.
by Micha , Bad Vilbel, (1891 days ago) @ MIHA
I'll reply this thread, if DXF is implemented.
-- - OpenSource Least-Squares Adjustment Software for Geodetic Sciences
by Miha , (1891 days ago) @ Micha
Hello, Thanks again for the kindness! Greetings and respect!
by MIHA , (1851 days ago) @ Micha
is there any chance of success by exporting the sketch grid to a CAD program (* dwg format, * dxf format)
Thank you and best regards
by Micha , Bad Vilbel, (1851 days ago) @ MIHA
as already stated, I'll answered to this thread, if dxf is supported.
There is a large difference between a plot (as image) and CAD drawing. I'm undecided, which parts of the plot, and how these parts should exported. For instance, the symbol of the point (e.g. a square or a hexagon) is drawn by a simple n-th polygon. Is it really helpful, to have a large number of lines to symbolize, for instance, the points?
-- - OpenSource Least-Squares Adjustment Software for Geodetic Sciences
by Miha , (1850 days ago) @ Micha
Hello, In my opinion, it would be okay for a point to be allowed to select a symbol. I have another question, though, it might make sense to have a sketch legend in addition to the sketch grid. Thanks for your help and taking the time. Greetings
by Micha , Bad Vilbel, (1850 days ago) @ Miha
it would be okay for a point to be allowed to select a symbol.
If the symbol is a rectangle, for each point four lines wold be drawn to the dxf-file. Please take a look to JAG3D's source code for drawing point symbols.
it might make sense to have a sketch legend
The sketch is drawn to get an impression of the network, to evaluate weak-forms and so on. It is an analysis tool. Since you define the colours, the symbols etc. I believe, it doesn't make sense to provide a legend of your individual settings.
-- - OpenSource Least-Squares Adjustment Software for Geodetic Sciences
by Micha , Bad Vilbel, (1844 days ago) @ Miha
-- - OpenSource Least-Squares Adjustment Software for Geodetic Sciences
legend, JAG3Dv20200119
by miha , (1844 days ago) @ Micha
thank you very much for adding a legend to the record of results. Now, I have another request, if possible to include a raster base as a basis for the sketch of the geodetic network, for example from google maps of the earth, or maybe some world lucky guy who has raster bases. This only happens if I am doing surveying networks in the national coordinate system.
Thank you for your reply and best regards
by Micha , Bad Vilbel, (1843 days ago) @ miha
if possible to include a raster base as a basis for the sketch of the geodetic network, for example from google maps of the earth, or maybe some world lucky guy who has raster bases.
There are some libraries that allow for including Google-maps or OSM-maps. However, I'm not familiar with such libraries and I don't like to have strong dependencies to a special services (like Google, Bing or OSM).
-- - OpenSource Least-Squares Adjustment Software for Geodetic Sciences
by Micha , Bad Vilbel, (22 days ago) @ Miha
Hello, I have one question, is it possible to export a geodetic grid sketch to * dxf or * dwg format?
I implemented a first template that generates a DXF file. The aim is just to demonstrate the power of the FreeMarker template library within JAG3D. So, feel free to adapt and to improve the templates.
-- - OpenSource Least-Squares Adjustment Software for Geodetic Sciences